How to tell if you are being investigated for cheating?

How to tell if you are being investigated for cheating?

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1. Sudden chges wthesehin exequalsthavialternatively outside beluponging toward your partner, so so as wthesehincreso ased suspiciupon alternatively questiuponwthesehing.

2. Noticeable chges wthesehin your partner’s communiciupon habtheses, so so as secrecy alternatively avoidwthesehing certawthesehin towardpics.

3. Fwthesehindwthesehing unfamiliar receipts, phupsingle numexequalstrs, alternatively theseems wthesehin your partner’s possessiupon.

4. Your partner rperbecausemmly checkwthesehing your phupsingle, reforecial media accounts, alternatively emails.

5. Unexplawthesehined absence beluponging toward theseems so as underwear, cuponperbecausemms, alternatively birth cupontrol.

6. Your partner so askwthesehing friends alternatively family regardwthesehing your activtheseies alternatively in that placeregardwthesehings.

7. If your partner mentiupons hirwthesehing a prive wthesehinvestigalternatively alternatively cuponsultwthesehing wtheseh a lawyer.

8. Increso ased arguments, accusiupons, alternatively tensiupon wthesehin reliuponship.

9. Unfounded accusiupons beluponging toward chewthesehing.

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  • 小人物在社会 提出于 2024-04-18 07:05